Our Services

The Fannin County Economic Development team has been active in bringing together leaders from local business, civic organizations and schools to organize and plan for the future needs of the county. We are here to support current businesses as well as to provide a long-term strategy to promote the kind of smart growth that will benefit long-time residents as well as newcomers.

We recognize the vital importance of open communications and being a conduit for bringing people together. Maintaining a desirable quality of life while managing growth involves everything from infrastructure improvements to attracting the type of businesses that will offer the best opportunities for our local workforce.

We also know the importance of partnering with the neighboring communities, which extend into North Carolina and Tennessee. How can we promote the type of businesses that will allow the young men and women who grew up here to remain in Fannin County? That is just one of our goals.

In short, we are here to serve you. If you have any questions or suggestions, call us 706-632-4450 or email: economicdevelopment@fannincountyga.org