Gribble presents 2019 year end summary
February 19, 2020
Fannin County Development Authority Executive Director Christie Gribble presented a 2019 year end summary to her FCDA Board of Directors and Commissioners in Jan and Feb.
The FCDA was involved with over 100 new jobs in 2019 and and was involved with the potential of 350 new jobs in the future. Gribble said the estimation comes from the amount of individuals she worked with in 2019 who wanted to either start or expand a business in Fannin County.
All FCDA owned space/buildings is fully leased, with the addition of Lakeshore Logistics (45+ employees) in June of 2019. Approximately 80-90 jobs are supported by FCDA owned facilities. and land have all been leased except for five acres of vacant land on Kyle Road and 4.5 acres on Ada Street.
The FCDA received a total of $19,550 of outside funds from grants or sponsorships to go toward economic development efforts.
The Fannin Youth Initiative saw 10 students graduate and won a state-wide award for $750. A class of 15 students for 2020 began January 23. Other workforce related partnerships include a North Georgia Technical College (NGTC) collaboration with restaurants, a NGTC welding lab collaboration, and an FCDA internship program.